10 March 2015

Decisions Determine Destiny

Decisions Determine Destiny....

I believe that is turning out to be my favorite little saying. I have it up on the bulletin board. I stuck it up there to remind me that I am in control of my life. I am the one that makes the decisions. I call the shots. What I do or do not do determines the path I travel.

I am determined to eat 1200 calories daily and keep my sugar below 40g. It's going to be a tough mentally trying to do this perfectly. I figure if I can do it just one day...really concentrating...then I can do a 2nd day and a 3rd day.....etc. I gotta do it. And if I don't do it one day... it's okay. I will just keep on trying every day until I can finally take in that many calories.

I have been using My Fitness Plan to track daily intake. A powerful tool. - www.myfitnessplan.com - I've met a few really nice people on MFP and have been chatting by way of private messages. Everyone has issues. From the youngest of us, to the oldest. We are all so different, yet all the same. Amazing.

A special thank you to all of you for your support and well-wishes. It's not making the challenges any easier, but it sure is making traveling down the road just a little bit nicer.

I need a fitness goal...

Here's a brain twister. I need a fitness goal. I know what I want my destiny to be. So, does Destiny Determine Decisions?

Hoping you have a great day.

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