10 March 2015

A Goal is a Goal is a Goal...or is it?

Guess what!" I DID IT!!!

Yesterday, I consumed 1,248 calories. And I was...WAS...so happy about it. I didn't plug in all I consumed until about half an hour ago. If I don't want to take time to post as I eat, I write it in a log book and return to MFP to update.

So, today was an eye-opener. My nutritionist has set my goals. She had me attempting to consume 2,000 calories a day in the hopes of gaining weight. Okayyyy.....not even close to the goal. After a lengthy hospitalization (malnutrition), I was discharged 20 lbs heavier. So I lowered the caloric requirements on my own to 1,800. After a couple of weeks of total disappointment and feeling like crap, I lowered them again to 1,500. (Yes, I'll tell Eva when I meet with her again.)

Because I made so many changes, on my own, I forgot I did it. I thought... THOUGHT I'd set the goal at 1,200. So I tried soooo hard to hit the goal yesterday and I succeeded. I ate and ate and ate. I hit my nutrition goals and I feel pretty darn good today...until I posted.

My goal is 1,500, not 1,200. Grrrrr

Decisions Determine Destiny

I have decided to stop beating myself up today and make an attempt to hit 1,500. I know there is no way I can do it.... TODAY. But I will make a valid attempt each and every day to get up there.

Another thought though.... When I hit the all done button it told me if I kept it up, I would weigh 124 lbs in 5 weeks. Well...I weigh 125 as of today. So here's my question...(and yes, I would love comments if anyone is reading this...LOL)...

Should I move up to 1,500 so I can see it tell me I'll maintain my weight or stick at 1,200 and just be 1 lb too light?

Decisions Determine Destiny...is this a good decision?

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