12 January 2012

Posing a question....

Holidays are over and we've moved to another state, starting a new life with the kids and hubby. My darlin' husband starting a new job. My apologies for not writing sooner...it's just been so busy. I'm back in the swing and ready to continue this....

I belong to an online support group.. American Bariatrics. Today there was posted a question. "If you're just considering some form of WLS, or if you're years post-op. What do you do to keep your eye on the prize?" I thought this would be a good start to the new year...so I responded this morning in this fashion...

Note: Dan's starting weight was 530lbs. At the time of his post last October, it as 290. What a HUGE achievement. Kudos to him for such a success! ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Wow! I just noticed how far you've come, Dan. Congratulations! You must feel GREAT!!!! That said, so do I. *smiles*

I no longer look to my goal of taking the weight off. My goals have changed. As you know, it's a lifestyle change. It's become a part of everything we are. I don't think I really "do" anything to keep my eyes focused...I live. I set new goals monthly, weekly, and even daily. If I've lost too much weight, I will stand staring down at the number and think to myself...I really need to eat some fat today...what can I do today to get that done? If I gain (LMAO...I wish) what can I do to remove a lb or two.

I have what I call my "comfort zone". I should weigh between 129 and 139. Both numbers feel good to me. I don't really like the 139 because I see myself as "getting fat" again. Ridiculous, I know. That is a mental thing I work on daily. When I'm at 129, I know I need to gain, but my mind loves the 120's. For my mental being I want to be in the 120's. Maybe that's a big reason why I can't gain weight...perhaps I have a mental wall up. Ohhh now that's a valid thought.

I believe I have yet another goal to add to my list. This one, however, being a much bigger goal...perhaps equal to the initial goal of reaching my ideal weight. How can I gain control of my mind and get past the brick wall and the self-image mirror that has been in mind so long that I actually see myself as being "fat" if I weigh in the 130's? Do we ever really get over this?

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